Adults on Snapchat, Can it Work?
Tech and marketing make strides.
Finally: Snapchat Demystified
We admit that our response to to Snapchat for brands has been, “I guess?” But this guide enlightened us as to the value of Snapchat to the 18+ population. We get it! It’s the “just hangin’ out” experience for brands.
Fortune: The Ultimate Guide to Snapchat for Adults
“…Snapchat will show you things—like what you’d look like as a glasses-wearing chihuahua—that you’ll never unsee. And that is exactly why the app is exploding in use, even recently overtaking Twitter in terms of daily users. A social network where people share photos and short videos for just 24 hours, Snapchat is the answer to the Internet’s problem of never forgetting. And with a rotating set of fun features and filters, it’s also the response to Facebook (FB -0.83%) and Twitter’s (TWTR -3.39%) stale experiences.”
Tech + Marketing = So Happy Together
Marketing is increasing in sophistication and requires executive-level management and both technical and creative skill sets. As we’ve been saying: CMO + CTO!
AdAge: Help Wanted in the C-Suite: Chief Media Officer
“Media is often the largest marketing expense (make that investment) at most companies, and given the increasing complexity and fragmentation of the media environment, the role of chief media officer could provide tremendous value at a critical time.”
“The role of chief media officer should be viewed as a wise investment — not an expense. This position would help drive the efficiency and effectiveness of media spending, and with more efficient and effective spending, positive business outcomes would follow.”
“Given that today’s media environment is probably the least complex it will be for the rest of our careers (think about that for a minute!), the position of chief media officer makes perfect sense.”
Marketing Tech Insights: Why Marketing and IT Should be Very Close Friends
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